PE管哈弗节三通分水器/PVC管变径开口三通应用范围:目前公司的主要产品包括管道维修抱箍(抢修接头)、OMNI**管道接头、QUANTUM管道接头以及管道旁通器等。随着公司业务的在国内的进一步拓展,公司会有更多的产品服务于中国市场。我们的产品设计精良、质量可靠,安装快速便捷,适用范围广。公司产品符合美国全国卫生基金会的NSF标准并附NSF标识。In China, our product range covers various types of repair clamps, OMINI coupling and QUANTUM couplings and service saddles. With our business development in China, more and more products will be introduced and distributed here. Our commitment to excellence has convinced our customers with our innovative design, reliable quality, convenience to install and wide range of applications. All our products are in conformity to NSF standard and delivered with NSF mark. 结构形式温度: -29-+300°C]镀锌管哈弗节三通分水器/PE复合管U型分水三通
DN100 x50
DN250 x200
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DN800 x300
DN100 x80
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DN300 x300
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DN400 x200
DN700 x200
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DN700 x500
DN1200 x200
DN250 x50
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DN800 x100
DN1200 x300
DN250 x100
DN500 x 300
DN800 x150
DN1200 x400
DN250 x150
DN500 x400
DN800 x200
DN1200 x500